- Deceptacon [Le Tigre]
- Last Nite [The Strokes]
- Are You Gonna Be My Girl [Jet]
- 19-2000 (soulchild remix) [Gorillaz]
- Close to me [The Cure]
- Do You Want To [Franz Ferdinand]
- Bigmouth strikes again [The Smiths]
- Debaser [The Pixies]
- Parklife [Blur]
- You and Me Song [The Wannadies]
- Common People [Pulp]
- What You Waiting for [Gwen Stefani]
- Celebrity Skin [Hole]
- Do You Remember The First Time [Pulp]
- Teenage Kicks [The Undertones]
- Seven Nation Army [White Stripes]
- Comfortably Numb [Scissor Sisters]
- Bizarre Love Triangle [New Order]
- Only Love Can Break Your Heart [St. Etienne]
- Beautiful Ones [Suede]
- Dreaming of You [The Coral]
- Someday [The Strokes]
- Pure Morning [Placebo]
- Kids In America [Kim Wilde]